Use the form below to upload files. To view or search previously uploaded files go to the list of uploaded files, (re)uploads are also logged in the upload log, deletions in the deletion log.
To include a file in a page, use a link in one of the following forms:
to use the full version of the file -
[[Datei:File.png|200px|thumb|left|alt text]]
to use a 200 pixel wide rendition in a box in the left margin with 'alt text' as description -
for directly linking to the file without displaying the file
Please note the copyright!
A reference to the copyright must be included in the image description!
Modellbau-Wiki has permission from many manufacturers to use images from their websites. The currently available permits are listed here: Copyrights. There you will also find the (c)-Remarks, which you can copy and paste into the image description.
And one more request:
Please add a category to your picture!
This will save a lot of work and unnecessary searching for all wiki users. Most pictures of vehicles and accessories belong to
[[Kategorie:Bild xxMANUFACTURERxx Modelleisenbahn Katalog]]as long as it is an image from a catalogue or from a website. Ohterwise it may belong to
[[Kategorie:Bild xxMANUFACTURERxx Modelleisenbahn Modell]]which is for pictures taken by yourself. You may copy this line and paste it into the image description. The space marked
you will fill with the correct Name of the manufacturer, e. g. [[Kategorie:Bild Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modell]]
. Then your image will be stored away correctly - and automatically.
More image categories and their names you will find here: Category:Image.
Thank you for your support.